Thursday, May 14, 2009

Martha Friday: Save the dates

Martha always leaves me some what perplexed... there are always some really fantastic ideas on her site. But the problem with most of them is if you try to create them in mass quantities, you might not make it past item #3 in the working line.

Don't get me wrong. The projects dreamed up by these people are pretty impressive.. I just don't see myself sitting down and spending weeks working on hand painted papermache party favors that will most likely end up being tossed in the trash (unless your mom hangs on to it)

But out of the hundreds of thousands of great looking ideas, there are a few doables you can make and will be much less expensive to do than getting it done professionally..

I can totally see this being doable...

Sticker save the dates. Maybe with a photobooth photo sticker instead?

via Martha Stewart

what do you think?

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